Moon Rain


I started following the instructions. That lasted for one line. I thought of the moon as an apple. an apple is red and has juice. Juice could rain down from the sky. What else might come from the sky? Crocodile tears (how did the crocodile get up there? That’s his problem.) Oops, where’ s the apple? Get back to that later. If stuff is raining from the sky, need an umbrella. Ah hah, an apple skin could be an umbrella. What might hide under an umbrella to get out of the wet stuff? Lovers, any excuse will do. Lovers sigh. Xylophone sighs sounded lovely (although perhaps impossible). Crocodiles not only have tears, but they bite. So, tears bleed. And who can stop the rain/tears/juice?

Secret Truth:

Moon Rain

The red moon weeps

sweet juice to slather

the crocodile in the sky.

Apple skin floats,

an umbrella of sorts,

to tempt love to cover

its xylophone sighs

from the tears bleeding

down it can’t stop.

Nolcha’s poems have been curated in print and online journals. Her poetry books are available on Amazon and Dancing Girl Press. Nominee for 2023 Best of The Net. Editor for Open Arts Forum, Chewers & Masticadores, Garden of Neuro. Accidental interviewer. Fake news faker.